34 research outputs found

    ActiveX - an internet strategy for applications development

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    ActiveX is a set of technologies that has the potential to change the way information is accessed and used on the Internet; allows software components to interact with one another in a networked environment, regardless of the language in which the components were created. Powerful abstractions based on OLE have been developed to enable fast, scaleable integration of your objects within the Internet. Microsoft is making a major effort to make the Internet everything it can possibly be. By using ActiveX, developers can make the best use of their system resources while providing instant, dynamic content and functionality in their Internet applications. How information is presented greatly affects how interesting and usable people find it.Internet, ActiveX, OLE, COM

    Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce

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    In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents the current stage of the experimental system design and implementation, an open system website-based (called Single Way for E-Commerce - SWEC) having the goal to collaborate with many database servers of the companies that offer e-commerce sevices and also to interract with electronic payment and e-administration systems. This new approach allows the clients, after them authentication, to navigate on e-commerce websites and search different products, grouping on domains, companies and geographic areas. SWEC System will offer to the customer the opportunity to visualize and compare similar products, to order and receive a single invoice for all the products he wants to buy.E-Commerce, Database-driven site, Open system, Server Side Programming

    Designing a Virtual Center for E-Commerce

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    In the actual context of developing digital services, the promotion of a system that manages multiple e-commerce sites can be extremely valuable in increasing the economic effects for the companies. This paper presents the current stage of the experimental system design and implementation, an open system website-based (called Single Way for E-Commerce - SWEC) having the goal to collaborate with many database servers of the companies that offer e-commerce sevices and also to interract with electronic payment and e-administration systems. This new approach allows the clients, after them authentication, to navigate on e-commerce websites and search different products, grouping on domains, companies and geographic areas. SWEC System will offer to the customer the opportunity to visualize and compare similar products, to order and receive a single invoice for all the products he wants to buy.E-Commerce, Database-driven site, Open system, Server Side Programming

    Building Successful Information Systems – a Key for Successful Organization

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    An Information System (IS) can have a major impact on corporate strategy and organizational success. The involvement of managers and decision makers in all aspects of information systems is a major factor for organizational success, including higher profits and lower costs. Some of the benefits business organization seek to achieve through information systems include: better safety, competitive advantage, fewer errors, greater accuracy, higher quality products, improved communications, increased efficiency and productivity, more efficient administration, superior financial and managerial decision making.information system, management, software, organization

    Virtualization: an old concept in a new approach

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    Virtualization technology is transforming today’s IT community, offering new possi-bilities to improve the performance and efficiency of IT infrastructure by a dynamic mapping of the PC resources, enabling to run multiple applications and operating systems on a single physical system. Virtualization also offers high availability and error recovery solutions by encapsulating entire systems into single files that can be replicated and restored on any desti-nation machine. This paper brings new elements related to the concept of virtualization, presenting the princi-ples, the new architectures and the advantages of the virtualization. We make also a brief comparison between the PC’s functional structure before and after the virtualization. Finally, we present licensed software to create and run multiple virtual machines on a personal com-puter

    Data center virtualization and its economic implications for the companies

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    In the current situation of the economic crisis, when companies target budget cuttings in a context of an explosive data growth, the IT community must evaluate potential technology developments not only on their technical advantages, but on their economic effects as well.data centre; virtualization; tiered storage; provisioning software; unified computing.

    Implications of the introduction of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base for tax revenues in Romania

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    In order to address some existing difficulties in corporate income taxation (CIT), the European Commission proposed the introduction of measures for coordination, a solution contested by some member states but supported by most professionals and many organizations representing the interests of European employers. Disputes in connection with the introduction of the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) are occasioned by the uncertainty regarding its effects. Since CIT makes an important contribution to the forming of central budget revenues, the CCCTB is a challenge for Romanian public authorities. The Romanian government has not made clear its options in this respect. In this paper we present the main points of view about the implications of introducing the CCCTB as seen by specialists and estimate the effects of the EU formula apportionment on CIT revenues in Romania. According to research results on a sample of companies in 2006-09, Romania will assume a loser position if the EU formula apportionment uses the payroll (although the loss of tax revenue would be lower than other researchers have estimated) and a winner position if the EU formula apportionment does not use the payroll.economic forecasting, density forecasting, fan chart, stochastic simulations, uncertainty, Croatia

    Software tool for a Comparative Analysis of Romanian fiscality with other country in European Union

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    The corporation activity represents a factor of major interest for the economies of all the States due to the economic and social effects that it generates. The conditions of tax nature have an influence on corporations’ investment localization decisions and capital flows so that the policy of each sate in the field of corporative income tax payment must constitute the object of a very careful analysis. Thus, the companies choose to carry out their activity in the countries where they can obtain the biggest net profit after carrying out their specific operations. Reducing taxation rates of the corporate incomes in various member states of the European Union, as an effect of the tax competition, represents the compliance with an international trend, being only to a small extent the result of the government will. the European Union, Romania has one of the lowest income tax rates as compared to other member states. Starting with 2005, the income tax rate that applies to the taxable profit is of 16%. nalysis of economic and financial performances of subsidiaries of transnational companies active in Romania, considered as representative for their fields of activity, allowed us to formulate judgments about the prospects of investment in the Romanian economy produced by firms with trans-borders business.n information system can have a major impact on corporate strategy and organizational success. The involvement of managers and decision makers in all aspects of information systems is a major factor for organizational success, including higher profits and lower costs. Some of the benefits business organizations seek to achieve through information systems include: better safety, competitive advantage, fewer errors, greater accuracy, higher quality products, improved communications, increased efficiency and productivity, more efficient administration, superior financial and managerial decision making.tax rates, transnational companies, price indexes, information system

    Forecasting public expenditure by using feed-forward neural networks

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    In this paper, we analyse the correlation of the public expenses by functions with real GDP growth, elaborating a model of estimating and forecasting the main public expenses in some selected Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries: Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Romania. These countries have not adopted the euro yet. This paper presents several forecasting models for the CEE countries public expenditures, during 2015–2016. The models offer a base for the analysis of the potential budgetary implications of the government policies for the target countries. A short- and mid-term forecast for public expenditure is an important part of the modern methods of governmental management for the Central and Eastern European countries. This involves taking into account a wide range of factors, from GDP, inflation, demographic evolution and age share, to public expenditure type correlation. Such a forecast can be obtained with the help of artificial neural networks (ANNs), using the application GMDH Shell, which proved its ability to create complex and accurate forecasts for the economic, social and financial domains